18. 11. 2015

My new poster for the Horrorpunk Band "The Other"
is one of my most labor-intensive works yet.
But the result was worth the work and the band
as well as their fans love the poster.

If you are interested you can buy it for only 10€.
Just send me an eMail.


17. 11. 2015

I love the Minions and TWD is a great show as well.
So, why not combining both for a creepy but still
funny new painting? This is what I came up with and
I had a good laugh now and then while painting it.


10. 11. 2015

November is Horror (convention) time.
So here is some new artwork for that genre:

Chucky (played by Brad Dourif)

Candyman (played by Tony Todd)


21. 09. 2015

I will meet actor Peter Mayhew soon and did a portrait of
the famous character he played.

9. 09. 2015

This is a commission that I did for the Hobbitcon.

At the moment I am working on a Band Poster.
More infos an pictures: soon!

19. 05. 2015

Here is a lot of new stuff for you:
New and reworked paintings

A visit of an old friend

Creature from the black lagoon
(reworked 2015)

Summoning a demon


Bed of ivy


16. 04. 2015

He was the most popular alien of them all: Spock.
My hommage to his legacy and the late Leonard Nimoy.

And I need to show you some works from 2014 that I forgot to post:

Jason unmasked


20. 10. 2014

Some new paintings that I did in the last months.
More are on the way!

Victoria Stanton (Mörser Girl)

Heisenberg/Walther White
(Breaking Bad)

Doctor Who (The 10th)


14. 06. 2014

Recently I asked some fellow artists for commissions of for my
little dragon "Wenzel". The turned out wonderful and I thought
it would be a shame not to share them with more people.
So, I asked the artists and here they are as postcards.
If you like to buy them (1,50€ each), please send me an email.

The artists are:
2 - Tamara Arts
3 - Franziska Wenzel
4 - Dachma

(No. 1 was done by me)

25. 03. 2014

For all the Breaking Bad fans out there, including me :-)


10. 03. 2014

I made the 3rd place in a competition with my comic Wenzel
You can read it here (german text):

or here as a single picture:

I also just completetd several illustrations for a soccer card game.
(click on image for bigger size and more infos)

17. 01. 2013

I have been busy writiing and drawing a new comic about the little dragon.
His name is Wenzel. Quite unusual name for a dragon,
but the people love the name ... and the dragon :-)

Please visit my new label and website for my comics, shirts and cards.
You can find the website with excerpts of my comics at:

Two new paintings from November 2013:

Clockwork Orange

And something I wanted to paint for some time now:


05. 06. 2013

I was attending the Roleplay Convention in Cologne on 1./2. June.
As there are a lot of Fantasy fans, I did a little Dragon painting.
Especially as I had not done that much Fantasy art yet.
I also have some more ideas for that little dragon and let you know the
details as soon as there is more to see.

21. 05. 2013

Here is the new artwork that I did for the April convention:

Winnetou and Old Shatterhand

And for our very own Mugwumps comic I created with Tina
some new limited prints as well:

Mugwumps (Fantastic Four comic cover 1 homage)

We come from Outer Space (Mugwumps meet Prince Valiant)

The Mugwumps prints can be ordered for 5 € (F4 homage, 20 x 30 cm)
and 10 € (Prince Valiant, 30 x 42 cm)

22. 04. 2013

For the traditional Kölner Comic Messe I started to do a
Winnetou & Old Shatterhand painting, as there are many
fans of that franchise at the convention.

Together with Tina I am also working on new art for 1 or 2
new prints for our Mugwumps comic.
One will be a homage to a famous cover of Fantastic Four #1.
The second one will be a Mugwumps meet ... (a famous comic character).

25. 02. 2013

3 new completed works:

Evil Dead 4


10. 03. 2013

New artwork in progress:
Freddy vs. Jason
More details in the "Work in progress" section.

25. 02. 2013


12. 02. 2013

New artwork in progress:
More details in the "Work in progress" section.

22. 01. 2013

New Convention Dates are:

• Hollywood Event: 16-17. 03. 2013
• Movie Days:
22.-24. 03. 2013
• Intercomic: 04. 05. 2013
• Spielemesse: 24.-27. 10. 2013

I will work on some new paintings for these conventions.

And I am working on a new comic with new characters!
More details in the "Work in progress" section.

2. 11. 2012

New paintings: Creature of the Black Lagoon and Dawn of the Dead

31. 10. 2012

New painting: Psylocke

And Tina adds a new painting too:
The Headless Rider
(work in progress)

29. 10. 2012

Two new paintings: Chromeskull and Lloyd Kaufmann with Toxie

Please check out this section for NEW paintings in progress:

24. 10. 2012

Two new paintings: Vampirella and Venom

08. 10. 2012

Two new paintings:


Kagura & Sesshomaru

28. 09. 2012

I have been very busy.
3 (!) new paintings are completed.
See you at the Hollywood Event!


Ralf Richter

Virginia Hey

26. 09. 2012

The Michael Dudikoff painting is completed. Other paintings for
the Hollywood Event are still in progress.

14. 09. 2012

I started work on some new paintings for the Hollywood Event.
As Michael Dudikoff and Ralf Richter are attending, I will do two
portraits plus some more stuff soon for the other conventions.

24. 08. 2012

It has been a while since my last posting here.
I was not lazy, I did something different – a big project with Tina.

This is our first comic. It is called Mugwumps and features some
aliens that land in Bavaria, Germany and meet a grumpy farmer!

We also did a special "Star Wars hommage" print for
the first buyers of the first issue.

The comic was half a year in the making and so I did spend all of
my free time on this projekt.

Please check out the special website:
for more infos!


I also did a Bud Spencer & Terence Hill painting.

And I am still working on my first Manga painting
Kagura & Sesshomaru

02. 03. 2012

A quick one for a convention.

27. 01. 2012

After the whole lot of work at the end of last year, I needed a break.
There are some new projects in the making now. I will let you know
the details as soon as there are pictures available.

07. 11. 2011

The WOH convention is over. All the people LOVED the Christmas Cards.
If you want some of them, send me an email. The price is 1,50 Euro per card
plus only 1 Euro shipping for as many cards as you want!

I will add a WOH report later when I had some days of rest.

One more new painting is already in good progress: Warlock

03. 11. 2011

Had some problems with the printing company for the
horror x-mas cards, but now they will be ready and I
will get them on friday just 3 hours before the WOH starts!

Three new paintings are completed: Argento and American Werewolf

and the Ghost Rider by Tina

(Please click on the images for a
bigger picture and the "Making of")

31. 10. 2011

I have designed two funny Horror Christmas Cards for all you
horror fans out there.

30. 10. 2011

I am working on 2 funny Horror Christmas Cards.
One is already completed and the other one will be very soon.

26. 10. 2011

I am back from the 2 conventions and working on
the paintings for the Weekend of Horrors!

There is also a special drawing in the pipeline for
all of the horror fans. More details in the next days.

And I started a special painting of Asia and Dario Argento.

16. 10. 2011

Starbuck and Scarlet Witch are completed!

I also started on a new Wonder Woman painting but
that will not be ready in time for the conventions this week.

16. 10. 2011

This week I will concentrate on the non-horror-related images,
because of the two conventions that will take place next Thursday
to Sunday. So I started with Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica.

10. 10. 2011

My girlfriend Tina started a new painting for the Weekend of Horror Fans:
The Ghost Rider

07. 10. 2011

The Exorcist is completed. Please click on the image for a
bigger picture and the "Making of".

04. 10. 2011

The Exorcist is nearing completition and I started a Scarlet Witch too.

30. 09. 2011

After several detailed layouts I started with a more simple layout
The Exorcist. I will also work on the Hulk some more in the next days.

29. 09. 2011

Re-Animator and Lar Park Lincoln are completed
I will also start a new painting this week.

Please check the new paintings in progess!

26. 09. 2011

Re-Animator and Lar Park Lincoln should be completed
in the next 1-2 days.

23. 09. 2011

Today the new horror related Virus magazine
is in the shops, including an interview with me.
Here is the cover and I am happy to see that I am
even mentioned on the cover. :-)

22. 09. 2011

The Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) painting is in the making
and Lar Park Lincoln is nearing completition.

19. 09. 2011

I have combined all paintings in progress in one Preview section now!
Some paintings are interesting for comic and horror fans,
so i merged both sections into one.

Black Canary painting is completed, Lar Park Lincoln is started.
I will also work some more on the Re-Animator soon.

12. 09. 2011

After many days of work on the Werewolf I needed a break and started
another painting: Black Canary

02. 09. 2011

I am having a lot of fun on the American Werewolf painting, because I
do not have to pay so much attention on the likeness of the actor.
Although... painting the ugly teeth of the beast is quite disgusting :-)

31. 08. 2011

The Re-Animator painting is looking quite nice already (60% ready) and
I also started the American Werewolf painting yesterday.

25. 08. 2011

I am back from my holiday and started to work on the new paintings!

11. 07. 2011

After a month without new paintings, I started several new paintings.
You can see the paintings in progress in the preview section.
Click on the "Comic Conventions" and "Weekend of Horrors 9" images
(see below).

28. 05. 2011

The report on the Weekend of Horrors 8 is completed.

16. 05. 2011

I added a "Preview" section on the News page. Here you can
find all the new planned projects and conventions.

13. 05. 2011

I am very busy, working on my website and some
other stuff after the convention.
The website has been revised. I filed my artwork thematically.
So if you want to look especially for Horror or Comic or SciFi
themed artwork, you find it more easily now.

05. 05. 2011

All 5 new paintings for the WOH are completed now!

Please check out the news about my latest paintings for the
Weekend of Horrors at this page (click on image):

04. 05. 2011

• Have a look at the wonderful Art of Tina by clicking on the image below.

22. 04. 2011

The first two paintings for the Weekend of Horrors are finished now:

Eric Roberts (as Two-Face) and

Herman Munster (this one is painted in oil by my girlfriend Tina)

18. 04. 2011

New Horror themed paintings coming up:
There is a Horror Convention in May with a lot of film stars.
I am working on a couple of paintings for that
Convention, because I will have a booth there.

25. 03. 2011

The Bond Girls (1& 2):
The final images of the first 2 paintings of my Bond Girls series
can be seen here with a report of the meeting with the actresses
Caroline Munro and Martine Beswick. Click on image for more infos.


25. 02. 2011

Currently there are a lot of new paintings planned!
As two Bond Girls are visiting a convention in Münster
I started a new series of paintings:

20. 02. 2011

People always told me that one of the film
horror heroes was missing in my line of serial killers:
Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
When the actor Gunnar Hansen came to a convention,
I took the chance to paint his Alter Ego and meet the actor.
Here are the pictures (click on the image).

18. 11. 2010

I did a new painting for one of the coolest guys in the
film business: Danny Trejo. Read more about it by
clicking on the image below.

The Jason painting here is an older painting, but I met
the actor Kane Hodder recently.