Lando Calrissian

(2010, Acrylics)

I painted Lando Calrissian on black card board with acrylics.
As usual I had not enough time for the painting. This time it was even harder,
because of 4 paintings to be done in a few weeks and the size of some of the paintings.
When I realized that this one will not be finished in time, I finished the
most important parts and do the rest digitally to finish them later.
So, most of it is okay now, although I want to do some more detail work.

I also had the idea to do some kind of advertising poster for the city Bespin,
which I find very fascinating.

Billy Dee Williams with the original painting. The look of the guy in the back is funny.
He seemed very astonished and also happy to get a free copy of it.

Billy Dee signing a print of my painting.
I do not want any singnings on my original artwork anymore. Sometimes I like
to go on working on the painting some years later. Then I would have to paint over
the signing. Also some actors have written all over the painting and that was
something I really did not want to happen ever again.

I did not talk long to Mr. Willams, because people were cueing up behind me.
So I forgot to tell him that he "was" one of my favourite action figures from the
original Star Wars action figures line. :-)